Stand Your Ground

And a very good morning to you! It is Monday morning, 21st March, the year 2022. And this is your friend, Angus Buchan with a thought for today.

If we go to John 12 and I am reading verse 43:

“ …for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.”

People will often do anything to find acceptance in society. You see, many of the rulers believed in Jesus, but for the fear of becoming unpopular with the crowd, they did not speak up. And of course, as we approach Easter we remember the story of Pontius Pilate. He had an opportunity to set Jesus free, the Bible tells us clearly that Pontius Pilate found no fault in the Lord.

If we go to Matthew 27:23, Pilate said,

“Why? What evil has this man done that you want to crucify Him?” And then because of the pressure from the crowds, he washed his hands and he said, “You see to it.”

In these days of extreme compromise where society says, “All roads lead to Heaven,” and “Just do as you please,” and everyone is running his own business, has got his own ideals, God is looking for people with courage, who will be outspoken about the truth and about righteousness.”

I want to say to the young people today, stand your ground. Young lady, don’t give up your virginity just to please the crowd. It doesn’t last and it won’t work, it will get you into trouble actually. Young man, don’t start drinking and drugging with the crowd because you want acceptance from them. Eventually, they will chuck you out. Stand up for your beliefs. Stand up for the standards that God has put in place. Remember, people don’t have to like you but they must respect you.

Don’t hunt with the hounds and run with the hares, as they say, but be a righteous person who is not ashamed of the Gospel. Remember, it takes a live fish to swim against the current and it takes a dead one to flow with the crowd.

If Christ is for you then who will be able to stand against you?

Romans 8:31

Go out today and stand for righteousness, God will honour you. Have a wonderful day.
Jesus bless you and Goodbye.

Angus Buchan