An Assurance

And a very good morning to you! It is Tuesday morning, 22nd March, the year 2022. And this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

If we go to the Book of Acts, The Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament:

“ For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.”

Acts 2:39

And that is what Peter said to the people. God always keeps His promise, and we need to keep our promises... First of all to God and then secondly, to our family and thirdly, to our fellowman. I looked up the Oxford Dictionary the meaning of the word promise and it is: “An assurance that one will do something.”

You know, not so long ago, I had the honour and privilege of doing the wedding ceremony for my oldest granddaughter and her fiancé. It was a wonderful occasion, we had it out in the open on the farm. Kayla’s husband was dressed in a beautiful Scottish kilt and they asked me to put on my kilt so I did, the Buchan Tarta - it was a wonderful occasion. And when they made their vows to each other, they promised each other to love each other until death parts them... and that is what they are going to do.

You know, in the old days, a handshake would secure a deal. A big deal - the sale of a business, the sale of a farm, the sale of a horse - a man's handshake meant: "I promise to do it" Don’t ever break your promise and never make a promise that you can’t keep.

I knew an old man who was staying in an old age home. His family had emigrated overseas but they promised him that, when they were settled, they would send for him. Every time I spoke to him, he kept telling me that they were getting settled... They never came and he died but do you know something? He went to Jesus and Jesus never breaks His promise.

“Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.”

1 Thessalonians 5:24

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5:

He can’t be untrue to Himself, it is not in His nature. He will keep His promise and you can count on it. Have a wonderful day! Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan