Costly Oil

For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?
— Mark 8:36

If we go to John 12 we will see a lady who had the right idea:

“Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.”
John 12:3-

That’s right, she spent all of her precious possessions (her costly oil) on the Lord Jesus Christ - They say approximately a year’s wages, for a worker. Why you might ask, was it because she was investing in heavenly things? I do not think so, it was quite simply because she loved her Saviour, Jesus.

We have a band of young and dynamic men, 21 of them - lead by one of my spiritual sons - all the way from Stellenbosch in the Cape. They have arrived on our farm to work in our church. They are university students and they are here for two weeks. They are working with the needy, the poor, the old and the young. I am sure their fellow students back at university are studying hard for the upcoming exams but these young men have taken precious time out, to tell others what they have found - Precious, costly oil and they are pouring it out liberally, on the hurting and fearful folk of our little town of Greytown. It will not go unnoticed.

I can hear some dear old lady saying, “But that is being irresponsible.”

Remember, that is what they said about the woman who poured the oil over Jesus’s head. She will say that these young men will possibly fail their exams. I don’t think so, Madam! There might be a little bit of divine cheating taking place... Jesus might just give them the answers!

Have a wonderful day and spend what you have for the Lord because He is coming soon.
God bless you.

Angus Buchan