
And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them and said, “Take, eat; this is My body. Then He took the cup, and when He had given thanks He gave it to them, and they all drank from it. And He said to them, “This is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many.
— Mark 14:22

Yes indeed, the holiest of all Christian sacraments - Holy Communion, to remember the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did for you and me on the Cross of Calvary.

I remember in the early years when the Mighty Men Conferences were very small and on the farm, we would have maybe 500 or 600 men together. When we finished the weekend we would order some fresh bread. Big loaves of bread, put on a table and then we would have cups, full of grape juice. The men would get up, they had been ministered to by the Holy Spirit the whole weekend. They were soft, they were pliable.

They had been seeking forgiveness from God. God had purified them and then they would come up to the table and take a big chunk of bread and a cup of grape juice. Then they would start walking around towards each other and they would start breaking bread with each other. Seeking forgiveness, weeping openly... Bonds of friendship being renewed to one another - What an amazing spectacle it was. I would stand there and just watch in amazement as these big, strong men broke down and wept when they remembered what the Master had done for them on the Cross of Calvary.

You know, I want to say to you, Smith Wigglesworth that Yorkshireman, that plumber from England, a man who God used mightily in miracles, signs and wonders. He would take a miniature Communion set with him wherever he went. He would sit on the trains when he was going to pray for the sick and he would break bread and remember what the Lord had done for him and it would strengthen him. Are you doing that today?

And then he would get off the train and go to the houses and pray for the sick and miracles would happen.

Do you know that every morning, Jill and I, after we have had breakfast together, we break bread. It is a very special time for us, it keeps our commitment to God and to one another, very pure. You cannot honestly partake of the Holy Communion if you are bearing a grudge against someone or a disagreement. You have to confess it first. There is a wonderful sense of cleansing and freedom, once we partake in Holy Communion.

Who can take it? All who love Jesus Christ can take it... Don’t neglect it.
Have a wonderful day. God bless you.

Angus Buchan