Women's Day

And Mary said:
“My soul magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant;
For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.”
— Luke 1:46-48

The prayer of Mary, the mother of Jesus... Today we want to honour women. It is Woman’s Day today and we thank God for the women in our lives. You see it was a woman who carried the Son of God in her womb for nine months, who loved and cherished Him right into manhood. Her faithfulness and loyalty towards Jesus never once was shaky or weak. To the very end of his 33 years here on earth, she remained steadfast and faithful to Him. We honour and we praise God Almighty for women today.

General William Booth, Founder of the Salvation Army which was at one stage the most numerous army in the whole world, said that women were his best soldiers. Almost all successful men in the world will give the women in their lives - their mothers, wives, daughters or sisters all the honour for their success. Never underestimate the influence that a woman has in a man’s life.

In Genesis the Lord said:

“It is not good that man should be alone” Genesis 2:18

I remember as a young farmer, I would take Jill (my wife) and all my children in our pick-up and we would drive around the farm on a Sunday afternoon. We would speak about the work regarding the week that was coming up and what the priorities would be, the decisions to be made. Yes, she was my number one confidante, and chief advisor, and by the way - she still is!

Have a wonderful day today - Ladies, we love you, we honour you and we cherish you!

God bless you.

Angus Buchan