His Name

“His mother answered and said, “No; he shall be called John.”
Luke 1:60

That was the name that Elizabeth gave her son, John (the Baptist).

Remember, Jesus said: “There has never been a man born from the womb of a woman, greater than John the Baptist.” Names are so very important... If we go to Isaiah this is what the Word of God says:

“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” - which means, “God with us.”
Isaiah 7:14

We need to take note of the importance of names. Do you know the orthodox Jews, when they write the name of God, they will not write it completely? They write 'G-d' because of the reverence that they have for the name of Almighty God. We need to remember who we are addressing when we speak the name of God. He is not 'the man upstairs' or 'my mate' - He is the Creator of all heaven and earth, He is the Word!

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1

He must be respected at all costs... Not only respected but loved and cherished. Yes indeed, this Carpenter’s Son from Nazareth died for you and me. He gave us new life.

He has many names: Lover of my soul, The Lily of the Valley, The Bright Morning Star, Vinedresser, The Great Ploughman, The Shepherd of the sheep, Fairest of ten thousand and many, many others. My favorite is: Friend of sinners!

I read a story about Alexander the Great. He conquered the known world in those days, he was a mighty general. He was in the field inspecting a field hospital where some of his soldiers were wounded. Some had lost arms, some legs... He walked down the passage, addressing them.

He was encouraged them and to the end of the tent a young man was sitting on the bed. There was nothing wrong with him. He had suffered a mental breakdown and the great general said to him: “What is your name, son?” He said, “My name is Alexander, sir.” So he said, “Well, either change your attitude or change your name.”

You and I have a name, we are followers of Jesus Christ - We are christians... We need to live up to that name.
God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan