The Word of God

…and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God…
— Ephesians 6:17

That is the only weapon that the Lord gave us to defend ourselves with because it is the only weapon we need. In a time when fear and uncertainty is going around the world like a cancer - now is the time to use the word of God. Jesus Himself, when He was tempted in the desert, said to the devil: "It is written…" That is how He defended Himself. He puts the word above everything, “It is written…” Any doubter that says to you, "Show me this Jesus you are always talking about" - give him a Bible.

I remember visiting a Muslim house a while back and I sat in his beautiful lounge. I had my Bible with me, I put it on the carpet next to my chair and he came in with the tea and he said: “Please don’t put that book on the floor, put it on the coffee table.” The word of God! It is alive, it is a compass, it is bread, it is the Good News - Indeed, it is life itself! Jesus Christ in print!

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:1

I don’t know how many times in the last forty years I have read this Bible from cover to cover, yet every single time it tells me something completely different. It is alive, this book, I tell you!

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” Matthew 24:35

In the 1700s there was a little Welsh girl, her name was Mary Jones. Mary Jones loved the word of God. She was very poor, she didn’t have any money. Her dad died when she was young and her mother tried to eke out a living by just being ordinary servants. She would go up to the church and ask the minister if she could please read the Bible, it used to be chained to the pulpit. She worked hard and she saved up all her pennies, she wanted to buy her own Bible. When Mary Jones was about 15 or 16 years old she walked barefoot for 26 miles through the Welsh Hills to the next town, where a minister was selling Bibles. She was so excited. When she got there, she was overwhelmed. She said, “I have brought my money to buy my Bible.”

The man looked at her and said: “I am so sorry, I have just sold the last Bible.” Well, the girl broke down, she broke down and she wept... She couldn’t believe it. He was so overwhelmed by her desire to own her own Bible that the minister gave her his own Bible. But do you know, out of that incident The Bible Society was born because these men realized that people need the Word of God. They said: "If for Wales, why not for the Kingdom? And if for the Kingdom, why not for the world?"

Use the Word of God - It will give you strength and power and peace of mind.
Have a wonderful day. God bless you.

Angus Buchan