Evidence of Change

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
— 2 Corinthians 5:17

Is that the case in your life - Is that the case in my life?
There has got to be evidence of a change, it has got to show. We have got to display love, peace, joy, hope, purpose and gratitude. Let that helmet of salvation that you wear today shine. You will find that in Ephesians 6:17 - the helmet of salvation.

Speak out what you know. Declare to the world what you have heard. The power of personal testimony is incredible. You know, seeing is believing, the world says - They must see a difference in our lives. If it is not reflected in our lives then it's a lie and that confuses the world system. There has to be a defining moment, like Paul on the road to Damascus - One moment he was trying to kill Christians and then the next he was telling people that they need to be born again. Enough of listening to the lies of the devil! Let’s start believing the promises of God today.

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments, he had met with God face to face. The Bible tells us that he had to wear a veil over his face for three weeks... The people couldn’t even look upon him.

The thing that encourages me concerning the Mighty Men Phenomenon that has gone right around that world, are the results after that weekend. We get reports from the family: "My son has changed completely, My brother who went to Mighty Men - He is not the same man, he is a new man. He is not so grumpy, he is not bad-tempered anymore, he is not swearing anymore. He is caring and he is soft."

To get those letters from little children - A new daddy came home after that weekend. A wife writing a letter of thanks, "Thank you for holding Mighty Men because the man that I fell in love with twenty years ago came back home, after that weekend." Folks, there has got to be evidence of a change. If any man or woman be in Christ, they are new creations.

Go out today and shine for Jesus. Let people come to you and say: "What has happened to you? There has been a change in your life." And then, of course, you can tell them why. "Jesus has come into my heart and He has made the difference."

Have a wonderful day, God bless you.

Angus Buchan