Listen to God

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
— Matthew 7:7-8

We don’t have to be clever, we just have to be obedient. God has all the wisdom that we need. Remember, Solomon asked God for wisdom and God gave it to him. If you go to 1 Kings 3 you can read the story of two women who lived together. They were both pregnant and they both had babies a couple of days apart.

One woman rolled over on her baby during the night and it suffocated and died, so she got up and switched the babies around. She gave her dead baby to the other lady and took the live one. When the mother of the live baby woke in the morning she realized that the dead baby was not hers, and a huge argument broke out. So they both went to Solomon, who had asked God for wisdom, remember... Both said the live baby was theirs.

So Solomon said: "Bring me a sword and let us cut the live baby in half and then they will both have an equal portion.” The woman who had the dead baby said, “That’s fair.” The woman who had the live baby said, “Oh no, give it to the woman who had the dead baby.” Solomon then said, "The woman who desired to spare the live baby, is the real mother."

That is incredible wisdom - godly wisdom.

Many years ago on our farm, Shalom, we were going through a very difficult patch financially. We decided to sell our herd of cattle to meet our debts - They were climbing by the day. Then we were advised to hold on for a couple of weeks because the price of beef would increase. But we felt God impress upon us to settle our debts ASAP, so we sold the herd and squared up the money we owed. Two weeks later the dreaded foot and mouth disease broke out in our district and we would not have been able to sell our cattle - that would have been the end of the farm.

Listen to God. Just ask him and that incredible simplistic wisdom will be yours today. Have a wonderful week as you go out and listen to the word of God.

God bless you.

Angus Buchan