Heavenly Investments

He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
— Matthew 28:6

“He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” Matthew 28:6

Jesus Christ is alive He is not dead. I have been to Jerusalem and I have been to the tomb - It is empty because He has risen from the dead! I have also been to the tomb of King David, one of the heroes of Israel, his remains are still there in that holy place. The sacred shrines of many other gods can still be seen, their bones and graves are still there but not the Savior of the world because He is not dead. He has gone ahead of us to prepare a place, an eternal home for you and for me.

“I go to prepare a place for you.”
John 14:2

And what a home that will be! That gospel singer, Keith Green, who died at the age of 29 years old, was an incredible ambassador for Jesus. At one of his concerts, he said: “If the Lord created the world and everything in it in six days and He has been preparing our home in Heaven for 2000 years... Man, we are living in a garbage can!”

I heard a lovely story once about a rich lady. She lived in this mansion and she had a servant - The servant was very poor but this servant lady loved Jesus. She spent hours in prayer, she was an intercessor and she would take care of the poor and the needy on her days off. She'd often spend all night in prayer.

She gave as much as she could to the church and then she died and she went to Heaven. Not long after, the rich lady also died and went to Heaven, when she got to the pearly gates St Peter was waiting for her, to take her to her home. She was so excited and she started walking down those streets of pure gold. There were incredible homes on both sides of the street and as they walked St Peter said, “Do you see this beautiful mansion?” And the rich lady said, “Yes”, he said, “That is where your servant stays.” The rich lady got so excited, she thought: “Well, I must have one incredible home waiting for me!”

As they kept walking the road stopped and it turned into silver - no more gold streets, now silver streets. She carried on walking and the street turned from silver to tarmac, from tarmac to dirt and they were walking along this dirt road. There were not very many houses, just small little shacks and eventually Peter said, “This is your home.” It was a little shack made with a couple of sticks and a couple of sheets of corrugated iron. The lady said, “There must be a mistake, what has happened?” St Peter said, “Well this is the only material that you sent us to build your home with...”

Now, that is just a story but you and I need to invest in heavenly things! Have a wonderful day.

God bless you.

Angus Buchan