Finish It

So Solomon built the temple and finished it.
— 1 Kings 6:14

I want to say to you today, we need to finish what we start. We need to complete the work because it is no testimony to any Christian if we do not finish the job.

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ ”
Philippians 1:6

The Lord will help you and me to finish the job. If we allow Him to, Jesus will complete that work. You know there is a word, 'procrastination'. Procrastination means to delay or postpone action, or to defer till morning. The other word is 'Tomorrow'. In Zulu, we have a word: “Kusasa”, Kusasa sizokwenza lokhu noma lokho - Tomorrow, I will do this and I will do that…

I want to say to you do it immediately when you get an opportunity. Finish that degree - There is a word for a young student! You say, “I can’t”. You can and you must! Finish the job you have started. Finish building that house, "I don’t have the money" - Just take it one block at a time... Finish the house!

Commitment is very important in a Christian's life. You have committed to marrying that girl - follow through! You have committed to marrying that man - follow through!

“A little sleep, a little slumber,
A little folding of the hands to sleep
So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler…”
Proverbs 6:10-11

We need to work hard, The Lord has got no time for lazy people.

My example is that beautiful little honey bee, I am now a bee-keeper. I love it as a hobby and what a hard-working little creature the bee is. They are unbelievably hard-working. Do you know that it will visit up to 2000 flowers in a day! Do you know that 1 Kilo, which is just over 2 lbs of honey, takes up to 145,000 km to produce? Over 60,000 bees are in one hive at the height of the honey-making time. They are a most incredible little creature and I love them so much. I want to say to you, dad, let’s finish the job. Let's go and finish that fused light bulb for your wife.

Go and mow that grass - finish the job, I am not joking. Finish the painting job. Build that wendy house for your little girl. Mom, mend that favourite shirt for your husband. You say, it's old and you want to chuck it out. It’s his favourite shirt man, fix it! Make that batch of rusks. (By the way, rusks are biscuits, for those who don’t t live in South Africa.)

What about cooking your husband that special meal this weekend? You know, my wife would prefer me to fix that dripping tap than to buy her a bouquet of flowers. Let's finish the job and you will be surprised how pleasant your home will become.

God bless you and have a wonderful weekend.

Angus Buchan