Beautiful People

“For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.
— Matthew 9:13

You know the Master is known by many names.
He is known as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, Mighty God, the Lily of the Valley, the Bright Morning Star, the Shepherd of the Sheep, the Great Ploughman and many others, but the name that I love the most is, Friend of Sinners.

When everybody else gives up on you and me, Jesus never gives does. The Lord looks at the heart of a person and not the outward appearance.

Jesus offers salvation to sinners and that often threatens the pharisees’ way of life. Some church-goers don’t like sinners coming into their church, it upsets them but Jesus has come for the outcasts of society, not those who think they are on the right road.

I remember years ago, two young ladies came into our church here at Shalom one Sunday morning. They had dressed very poorly - very suggestively actually. A visiting Christian came up to us after the service to complain. He said: “How can you allow your congregation to be dressed so badly?” We said, “Sir, we have never seen them before. This is the first time these two ladies have come to church.”

You see, they were enquiring sinners looking for a saving Christ. Mary Magdalene, if we go to the Gospel of Luke it is very, very clear that she was a woman of ill-repute as they say. She had a poor reputation.

“…And certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities- Mary called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons…”
Luke 8:2

You see, Jesus makes everything beautiful. I believe that when we get to Heaven one day, you are going to see, in my humble opinion - the most beautiful woman shall be sitting right at the feet of Jesus. I am talking about Mary Magdalene. You know, when she had had those demons cast out of her and she was given new life, God made her very beautiful, and she never left the Lord after that. When all the disciples ran away after Jesus had been crucified, she remained with Him.

Go out today and bless somebody. They might not look too good, they might not speak too good, they might not even dress too good but they are people who Jesus died for.

Have a wonderful day.
God bless you.

Angus Buchan