A Strong Finish

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
— Philippians 3:12

You know I have been reading the life story of King Solomon - the wisest man who ever lived, also the richest man who ever existed and yet he finished so poorly. He started well but he finished poorly.

You know, they will tell you, in any kind of sport you are only as good as your last game. People have got short memories, they only remember the last game. Father God is not looking for good starters but rather, for good finishers. Never take the blessings of God for granted - He blesses you and me for a reason: So that we can be a good example and bless others, as we run the race together. Paul admits that he had not acquired the absolute fullness that he was after but he runs with everything in him to finish strong.

It's not so much about finishing in 1st place but rather about just completing the race. Not to say that we have got it all together or that we have arrived - not at all! But we are reaching out to Jesus, as He is reaching out to us.

The best part of the Comrades Marathon (that ultra-marathon of over 90km), I have been watching for many years, is not the man or the woman who comes through first to get the gold medal. It is those men and women who stagger, arm-in-arm helping each other, over the finish line. That is what brings a tear to my eyes, they refuse to give up.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
2 Timothy 4:7

That is what you and I have to do today and that is what the Lord is looking for today - good finishers. The last words that Jesus spoke on the cross before He died were:

“It is finished”. John 19:30.

Maybe you have gone down, get up, dust yourself off and get back in the race.

The Lord is running with us. Have a wonderful day.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan