Solitude & Silence
We are living in a world that keeps us so busy that we do not even have a chance to speak with the Lord or to hear from the Lord. The cellphone is constantly on our ear, as if it is welded to our ear. We really need to “be still and know that He is God.” Psalm 46:10.
We need to make a decision to take time out every day, starting even for a few minutes during the course of the day, just to be in solitude, with nobody else talking to us, turn the cellphone off and just meditate on the things of God. And then it becomes a good habit. Secondly, we need to be silent, now for me that is a big problem, I know I talk too much, and I listen too little, and I intend to change that. I want to encourage you to do the same. Let’s start spending more time listening to the Lord rather than listening to every Tom, Dick and Harry, the radio, the television and our devices. Let’s start listening to the Lord, that still, small voice and also start to have times in solitude where He can speak to us through His Holy Spirit.
Jesus bless you.
Angus and Jill Buchan.