Unpleasant Tasks
Acts 9:10-20
Sometimes you and I are called to perform, for Jesus, very unpleasant tasks. They might make us very unpopular, even amongst those who are close to us, such as family members or friends in the workplace, or in our after-work social circles.
If we look at the situation of Ananias, God’s disciple in Damascus who was called by the Lord in a vision: Go to Straight Street and there pray for a killer by the name of Saul of Tarsus, who was terrorising the Christians. What would be our response?
Because of the faith and instant obedience of Ananias, we meet possibly the greatest of all Apostles in the Bible. A man who took the good news of Jesus Christ out to the whole wide world, as it was in those days. Yes indeed, a man who under the unction of the Holy Ghost wrote almost two-thirds of the New Testament.
God will call you and me to do the same. Are we going to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit or not?
Remember there are always consequences for our actions! Then again, there are also consequences for disobedience. Where would we be today if Moses had not obeyed God and refused to go to Pharaoh to give him God’s ultimatum: "Let My people go?"
It can get messy at times, dangerous even, to be the messenger of God in a given situation. But ah, my dearest friend, look at what happens when we are obedient! People are saved, healed, restored, given new hope and vision. Revival breaks out, families are brought back together, Governments are changed and even the weather is affected!
Do not delay one more hour, if God is calling you to a task. No matter how big or small, or unpleasant it may seem at the time, in love go and deliver it.
God Bless,
Angus and Jill Buchan