
If we turn to Matthew 28:20 (NKJV) the Lord Jesus says: “I am with you always.” The Lord is with us always, especially when we are going through tough times, times of extreme testing.

The refiner's fire is that fire that purifies us. As I have looked through Christian history, I have seen, many a time the greatest hymns were ever written are normally by people who have gone through extreme suffering and testing. For example, the beautiful hymn It Is Well With My Soul was written by a man who lost four of his daughters when they drowned in a ship that had a collision in the Atlantic Ocean. Amazing Grace was written by a man who was severely convicted of living the cruellest life possible - he was captain of a slave ship. 

I have never met a person, yet, who 'is worth their salt' so to speak, who has not been through fiery trials. Many of God’s greatest ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) are those who have been through fiery trials and many have even been physically handicapped. Yet they are stronger than most of us who have got all our faculties in place. 

Why? we ask... Because they have been through the refiner's fire! They understand that they can do nothing without God and they appreciate that God is always with them.

We think of Fanny Crosby, who was blind, who wrote some of the greatest hymns of all time. One example is ‘Blessed Assurance’. Then we think of Joni Eareckson Tada who has been a paraplegic all her life and yet, has been an incredible witness for Jesus Christ on the platform, preaching with Billy Graham, also as an artist painting with a paintbrush held between her teeth and a singer - she has surely been through the refiner's fire. Then, of course, Nick Vujicic, born without any limbs, arms or legs. He has been to Shalom Farm to visit me and has impacted my life unlike few others have ever done before.

So if you are going through tough times at the moment, through COVID-19 - maybe you lost a loved one, maybe you have loved ones that are sick at the moment - lean heavily upon the Lord and He will see you through this refiner's fire. You will come out the other side much more gracious, humble and sweeter than ever before.

To God be all the glory and praise.

Angus Buchan