Mighty Men

While reading my Bible this morning systematically, I have come to 2 Samuel 23:8 (NKJV) which states:

“These are the names of the mighty men whom David had…”

When I read of the exploits of David’s mighty men, incredible exploits actually, how they took on the enemy literally single-handed and beat them every time. Then I think of the name which the Lord gave us in 2003 for the mentoring of men, young men, and we have had many of these campaigns, Mighty Men Campaigns. They are still very much on the go all over the world, even as I write this letter.

Like never before, I believe God is requiring even more from us as Christians than He did of David’s mighty men. When we read the account of what took place in the times of David think of what’s taking place at the moment in the world, I believe that men have to stand up like never before and look after their wives and their children.

A word for the women here: this is not an exclusive organisation by any means. In fact, the Lord indicated to me that I needed to challenge the men to be the prophet, priest and king in their home. To take full responsibility, to help, to protect and most of all, to love their wives and children. For this to happen women must play their vital role in the home. A man can never be a mighty man if he has not got a woman of God standing right next to him. My best friend, counsellor and confidant is my wife Jill. Without her, I could never do anything.

I always say, that if my wife is in my corner I could beat the heavyweight boxing champion of the world with one arm tied behind my back. But if she's not behind me I am like a wet paper packet - there is no power and no strength at all. The mighty men today need to exercise incredible courage, strength and boldness. To stand up in public and declare what the Bible stands for is going against the current these days. To speak the truth, in love, is something that takes a lot of strength because it is not the status quo - it is not what the world believes. Yet like never before, God is calling his men and women, His boys and His girls, to stand for truth and righteousness and hope.

Jesus bless you,
Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan