Jesus Loves the Little Children

Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them.
— Mark 10:13 (NKJV)

The Lord goes on to say that unless we become like little children, we will never see the kingdom of God. Little children are trusting, little children are honest, little children are pure and little children are full of love.

Those are the characters that the Lord is looking for in His children today. It is so easy to overlook a little child especially when someone of importance comes into the room. God has taught me, over many years, never to disregard or overlook little children but to give them a place. The Lord says that unless we become like these little ones, we will never see the kingdom of God.

I remember like it was yesterday, when we had a conference on the farm and the event was coming to conclusion. It was the last meeting, it was a Sunday morning and all the moms and all the children were invited to come and join the men. It was a Mighty Men Conference and I was walking around the back of the tent with a few men who were assisting me, to come in through a flap onto the stage. The praise and worship had been completed and it was time for the message and they were calling for me. 

As I was about to go through the flap of the tent a little boy ran up to me with a red face, he was very embarrassed and very shy but he was very determined. He had a cell phone in his hand and he said: “Oom Angus (which is my official name) could I please have a photo with you?” I said, “Of course son.” The entourage that was around me said, “Angus, you can’t do that now, people are waiting. They need to hear the message, the music is finished, the announcements have been made and they are patiently waiting for you.” I said, “No, I need to get the photo with this little boy.” So I gave his cell phone to one of my assistants, I got down on my knees with him and we posed for the photo. But the cell phone was flat, now we didn’t know what to do. So he said, “don’t worry Oom, I will go and get another one from my mommy” and off he went. By this time the guys were getting very impatient. “Angus you need to get going.” I said, “Hang on, I’ll wait.” Then eventually a lady came running up, she was most embarrassed, she had another cell phone with her and we were able to take the photo.

Then I was able to get up on the platform and preach with all of my heart. I want to say to you that I believe that if I had neglected that little boy - if I had brushed him aside because I was too busy, that message that I was going to proclaim would have been an absolute disaster. But because, as Jesus has instructed us, I had time for one little boy, I believe God honoured the message and I’m sure that many people’s hearts were warmed that day. 

Do not neglect to love little children.

Jesus bless you,
Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan