A Good Turn

 And when the king asked the woman, she told him. So the king appointed a certain officer for her, saying, “Restore all that was hers, and all the proceeds of the field from the day that she left the land until now.
— 2 Kings 8:6 (NKJV)

A good turn is never wasted. You see when Gehazi, the servant of the prophet Elisha, told the king how Elisha had restored life to the son of the woman, the king was so grateful for Elisha’s “good turn”, that he restored everything that she had lost. This can be seen if you read the whole first portion of chapter 8 of 2 Kings. The Lord is impressing upon us again to keep on doing good to others, even if they are not direct relatives of yours and maybe, even if they do not even belong to our religion. A good turn will sometimes draw someone closer to God than Bible punching. 

When Mother Theresa was taking the destitute literally out of the open ditches, which were actually sewers in the streets of Calcutta, carrying their broken bodies, infested sometimes with maggots to her place of refuge, washing them down, cleaning them up, putting them in between two clean sheets and allowing them to die with dignity, they would often ask her “why are you doing this “good turn” for me? You don’t even know me.” Then she was able to say, “because Jesus loves you.” We need to do that as well. The king was so impressed by the goodness of the man of God that He ensured that that widow woman got everything back that she had lost during the war.

What an opportunity you and I have in these times of uncertainty and violence and disregard for human life. What an opportunity we have to do good to the poor and the needy and the lonely and the homeless and the hungry. Let us be Jesus today to the least of these and we would have done a good turn to Him.


Jesus bless you
Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan