Troublesome People

Reading today from the book of Acts 8:1-3 we see that Saul of Tarsus was a very troublesome person to the early church. In fact, he was totally committed to destroying every Christian he could find.  In that Scripture we see that when the people were stoning the first martyr, Stephen, in the New Testament, Saul was standing by, watching over the cloaks and jackets, the clothes of those who were stoning the man of God.

I don’t know how many times I have seen that in history, where God uses people that you and I would probably never even want to associate with, for His Kingdom.

That’s why I love Jesus so much.  After I had given my life to Christ, I remember attending a home group meeting on a Wednesday night. The minister in the church was giving me such a hard time for a couple of weeks until I eventually spoke with him. I asked him why he was so angry and suspicious about me. He apologised and said, “Angus I didn’t really believe that you were serious about God”, probably because of my previous track record.  I want to say that the Lord Jesus Christ is no respecter of persons, if He can use a man by the name of Saul of Tarsus and change him in an instant to Paul the Apostle, then He can do the same for you and for me.

Paul went on to write almost two-thirds of the New Testament. He died a martyr’s death, just like Stephen. Today, let us love all men, believe the best in all men, and watch and see what God will do with any man or woman that will put their hand up for God.

Jesus bless you

Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan