In God's Hands

When a man falls into the hands of the living God, it can be a terrible thing sometimes. When the Lord deals with us, we are totally at His mercy. This is what Saul of Tarsus found when he was knocked off his horse on his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians. Acts 9:9 says, he was without sight and neither ate or drank for three days. That was before the disciple Ananias came to pray for him. Maybe today you are going through a very tough time, and you don’t understand what is happening, you need to throw everything you have on the Mercy Seat and ask the Lord to undertake for you.

 You know Paul said later on, in Romans 5:3-4

I rejoice in my tribulation, tribulation worketh patience, patience character and character hope…  

It’s through hardship and tribulation that the Lord speaks to us, not to say that He causes it, because most of the time we bring it on ourselves, but through it all He speaks to us loud and clear.  

If you are going through a hard time today, do not fret, do not be afraid, rest in the Lord and He will take you through and most importantly, He will teach us many lessons through these hard times.


Jesus bless you
Angus Buchan

Angus Buchan