Jesus Only

If we read in Philippians 3:10 (NKJV)

“that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.”

We see with the early saints that they only had one priority, telling people about Jesus Christ. They didn’t tell people about Jesus plus anything else. I think in this day and age, especially with modern technology and social media, we have to be very careful that we keep the gospel simple and we keep it honest.

So many times, people start off preaching Jesus and then slowly but surely they start to divert into other forms of serving Jesus, but attaching to their service, other social commitments. Jesus must be preeminent, He must not be tagged on at the end of some particular heart-felt need towards the social status of people, or a country, because that waters down the gospel.

I have found that when I quote scripture, I get a tremendous response and the anointing and power of God is at its absolute strongest, because it’s Jesus words in my mouth, which are healing the sick, setting the captives free and making a man into a new person.  When I start to give my opinion or my pet interpretation of things and then add Jesus’ name at the end of it, it doesn’t work.  We’ve got to remember that it’s the gospel alone that saves.

Jesus bless you
Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan