An Orphan Spirit

I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18 (NKJV)

The orphan spirit started right from the beginning of the world with Adam, when sin separated Adam and Eve from Father God. The only way we can overcome that orphan spirit is to be born again.

We are faced with a fatherless generation at present.  There are many fathers in homes who are not operating as fathers because they don’t know how to be a father.  Remember the story of the problem at the Pilanesberg Game Reserve, when the young bull elephants started to virtually destroy the place. They called in the Zoologist and asked them to please identify the problem. They were running wild, terrorising the tourists and attacking the rhinos.  After some time, the zoologist asked, where are the old tuskers, and of course, the old tuskers had been taken out of the park. The reason, according to the warden, was because they were doing nothing, they were just standing underneath the trees all day.  Well, the zoologist asked them to please bring them back, and when they brought them back, the park came back to normality.

What was the reason? Well, the young bull elephants had no role models, they didn’t know how to be bull elephants, they had no mentors, and they were orphans. You and I need to understand that God has called us as fathers and as mothers to be role models for our children, we need to look to Jesus as our ultimate role model and then we will find that things will start going better on the home front.

When we are loved by God, we can love others, when we have the indwelling Holy Spirit in our lives, then we are filled with hope and joy and we become peaceful. We don’t have to earn anything, we realise we don’t have to earn our Heavenly Father’s love, because it’s given to us freely,  

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8

When grace abounds, that grace can be transferred to family members, children and those around us.  Then we have the realisation that God is actually the one who supplies all our needs and that takes the pressure off the stress levels.

Jesus bless you
Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan