Do Not Rush

In the Word of God in 1 Corinthians 9.26 (NKJV) Paul says:

Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty.

The Patagonian woodsmen in the Southern tip of South America have a favourite saying and it goes like this, “He who hurries loses time.”

That is so true, and I have seen it so many times in my own life, whenever I am rushing, I normally have to do the same job at least twice. We don’t have time in this day and age in which we are living to have to do the same job two or three times, because we didn’t get it right the first time.

My son, who is a cattleman and does most of his work on horseback, said to me the other day that he heard an old cowboy saying which goes like this: “the fastest way to move a herd of cattle is slowly.”

So today when you go out, think about something carefully before you attempt to do it. You will find that it will go so smoothly, so sweetly, and you’ll have lots of time left over after that. Jesus was never ever early, and Jesus was never ever late. He was always spot on time. I don’t read anywhere in the New Testament where Jesus was rushing about.

Have a wonderful week and remember, take your time.

God bless you
Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan