Finish the Work

While reading my Bible early this morning, I came to that beautiful scripture found in the gospel of John 4.34 (NKJV)

 "Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.

The Lord is not interested in good starters, He’s only interested in good finishers.  Many of us are in the middle of our race, some of us are only starting, others are very close to the finish line, but the most important thing is to complete the task that God has called you to.

It might be to be a faithful wife, to be a steadfast, praying mother, it might be to finish the calling that God has put on your life, whether it be preaching the gospel, feeding the hungry, taking care of the poor and the needy, whatever that might be, the Lord is expecting you and I to finish the work.

I just love the way He says, His meat, His food, is to do the will of Him who sent Him.  At the moment in my own life, I am living my dream.  If you had to ask me, is there any other way of life that I would prefer, I would say, no.   So for me to get up in the morning and to spend time with Jesus is not a burden, it is a joy and a pleasure.  There are times when the burden gets extremely heavy and sometimes I even cry out to the Lord, and I say ‘Lord, it’s too much, I can’t handle it anymore, I’m getting older now,’ but He says, ‘finish the work.’  It’s that getting up in the morning and fulfilling the task He’s called me to, which keeps me fit, keeps me strong and keeps my eyes sharp.

I want to encourage you today to continue to finish the calling that God has put on your life, so that when He calls you home, you can hear those beautiful words, ‘well done good and faithful servant, enter into thy rest.’

Jesus bless you

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan