Don't Waiver

This is not a time for us to start becoming unsure of our faith in Christ, this is not a time for us to start double guessing the Word of God. The reason why Abraham was called ‘The friend of God’ is because he never waived once when it came to the promises of God. He waited for no less than one hundred years before he received his promise from God and his dear wife Sarah was almost a hundred as well. In Romans 4:20 (NKJV) the word of God says:

He did not waiver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God.

I know when I am riding a new horse, for example, that horse knows instinctively if I am unsure of him, and straight away he will start to play up. However, if I get on the horse and take authority completely, he settles down, he has nothing to be afraid of.  We also, as we walk this road, especially in these perilous times in which we are living, we really need to know what we believe in. We need to trust in and follow through with what we believe in.  If we have proclaimed Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives, we need to live it, we cannot be looking around, we cannot have a second option, there is no second option.  The bridges have been burnt, there is no turning back, it’s onwards all the way home.  So how do we strengthen that faith? By spending time in the Word of God, Romans 10:17 (NKJV), which says:

Now faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.’

And in Luke 9.62 (NKJV):

Now let us put our hand to the plough and not look back, God will see us through.

I firmly believe we are living in the last days, the signs of the times are all about us, I don’t know what time, what year or what month, or even what day, but one thing I do know is that we are coming to the climax of the ages and we really need to be steadfast. Just like Abraham, who never waived once at the promises of God. Take the promise of God today, take it personally, keep it before your eyes and God will see you through.

Jesus bless you

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan