
In the gospel of John 20:19 the Lord Jesus appeared to the disciples when they had shut and locked the doors because of fear of the Jews. He stood amongst them and the first thing He said to them was ‘Peace be with you.’ He is known as the Prince of Peace. In fact in John 14:27 (NKJV) Jesus says

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

The only peace that you and I will ever truly find is when we put our trust totally and completely in the promises of God through His Holy Word, the Bible.

Everyone is looking for peace.  Just the other day we had a meeting in the Durban area and we saw multitudes of people looking for peace. When we started to lift up the name of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, I could visibly see peace coming upon the countless numbers of old people, young people and even children.  This week as we go out, let us remember there is only one who can give us true peace and He wants to reassure us, that nothing can happen to us without His permission.  Go out this week and be an ambassador of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, to a world that is in a state of absolute fear and anxiety.

That is why it is so important each morning when we start the day, to spend time in His presence, because wherever Jesus was, peace automatically invaded that place.  Remember, if we look at the scripture we’ve just read, He never knocked on the door of that room, it was boarded up because the disciples were petrified. They thought the Jews were going to kill them. He just appeared in the room, in person, and He can do that in our hearts at any time, if we just allow Him to.  So today look to the Prince of Peace and He will give you that reassurance that the world just cannot give you.

Jesus bless you

Have a wonderful week.

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan