The Layman

In the Word of God in Matthew 4:19 Jesus said to them follow me and I will make you fishers of men.

Not one of the disciples was a theologian, a qualified pastor or teacher. They were ordinary working men just like you and just like me. They were fishermen, but Jesus said that He would make them fishers of men. Verse 20 tells us that immediately they left their nets and they followed Him. Jesus used tax collectors like Matthew, He used fishermen like Peter, Andrew, James and John, He used a tentmaker, that’s right his name was Paul, and he wrote two thirds of the New Testament under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He was a layman. Some of the most powerful moves of God in history have been carried out by laymen. 

Demos Sharikan was a dairy farmer and he got gloriously saved and wanted to be an evangelist. He hired a big tent, and he had a certain amount of success, but he realised that was not his calling. But he was a brilliant organiser, one of the biggest dairy farmers in the world at that time. So, what he would do? He would go around the world, and he would hire the most beautiful hotels, the top floor of the buildings. He would invite all prominent businessmen and then he would get a speaker like an astronaut or a professional world champion bull rider or a very successful man in his own field, all Christians. Then he would invite businessmen with gold edged invitations and they would get saved. He started the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship and through that countless numbers of men and woman in high places have come to know Christ as Lord and Saviour. He was a layman. 

The Salvation Army started by William Booth who was an evangelist, used thousands upon thousands of laymen to go into the mission field and preach the gospel to the lost.

You and I must not underestimate the fact that we have all been called to preach the gospel in our respective areas, whether we be minors, farmers, housewives, doctors, teachers, lawyers, street sweepers, or business tycoons, we all have a responsibility to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jesus bless you

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan