God With Us

Emmanuel means God with us according to the Word of God in the book of Matthew 1:23. The amazing thing is that in the book of Isaiah 7:14, written hundreds of years before the Son of God was born in Bethlehem, it was already written, Emmanuel, God with us.  I just want to say that the name of Jesus is the sweetest name that I have ever spoken out in my life.  One thing that is concerning me a lot, just last night I was sitting listening to some beautiful Christian music of one particular group. I have no doubt that these people love the Lord and yet through three consecutive songs they sang they never mentioned the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, once. They spoke about the Lord, they spoke about Him, they spoke about God, I mean they sang about all these names, but they never sang the name Jesus once, and that cut me to the heart. I must confess, probably even more so than when an unbeliever uses the name of Jesus in vain, that of course is extremely painful for me, but not as painful as a Christian group that can sing a whole song and not mention the Savior’s name once in that entire song.

I really want to challenge you today, to go out and tell three people that Jesus is Lord, it might be a Petrol Pump Attendant, it might be a young lady serving in a shop, it might be somebody at school, it might even be a student at University.  Just say ,‘Jesus is Lord,’ and see the reaction.  I can tell you it will be explosive one way or the other, either they will say “Amen, Praise the Lord, Hallelujah,” or they will say “Who do you think you are?”  There are certain countries, first world nations in fact, I say that very sadly, that you cannot say something like that, Jesus is Lord, because it is politically incorrect.

Well I want to tell you that there are many martyrs in heaven who died because they would not deny the name of Christ.  Speak up while you still have the opportunity.

Jesus bless you

Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan