
While talking with my dear wife Jill the other day, we were speaking about being greedy and Jill said to me, that a good definition of the word greed, would be taking more than you need.  Now the prime example of that of course is the story of Abraham and his nephew Lot, when their herdsmen were fighting over the grazing for their respective herds and flocks of animals. Abraham said to Lot, you choose which part of the country you want to live in and I will live in the other part. Of course, Lot was greedy, he chose the plains of Jordan, the bottomlands, and the beautiful fertile lands and left Abraham with the mountains up in Hebron.  We know what happened in the end, Abraham had to come and help Lot out. We need to be very careful as believers that we set a good example.

You know as a beekeeper, we never take all the honey out of a hive, we only take the top section, which we call the super. The bottom section, the brood chamber, is where the bees make their babies and where they keep food for themselves.  If you take all of the honey, the bees will leave.  We need to be less selfish and be more generous.  The Oxford Dictionary defines the word greed as follows:  An intense and selfish desire for wealth, power, or food.  Today let’s not eat our seed, let’s sow our seed and we will never grow hungry. John 12:24 (NKJV) :

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

Jesus bless you

Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan