A Humble People

If we go to the book of 2 Chronicles 32.26 (NKV) the Bible tells us,

“Then Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart, he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the Lord did not come upon them in the days of Hezekiah.

The safest place to be is on your knees, because when you are standing up you can fall so easily.  The Lord is looking for humble men and women in these last days.

I love the quotation I heard by a man of God who said, “he who knows himself best, esteems himself least”,  isn’t that true?  When we have a good hard look at ourselves, we realise we don’t have anything to be proud of, apart from the fact that Jesus Christ is Lord of our lives.  Martin Lloyd Jones, that great Welsh preacher who was a heart specialist turned preacher, said, “humility is one of the chief of all the Christian virtues, it is the hallmark of the child of God.“

I heard a story about William Duma, the Zulu preacher from the Valley of a Thousand Hills in Zululand. He arrived at a little Baptist Church in Zambia, many years ago. At nine o’clock, the people of the church were all waiting for the man of God to arrive. Everybody was excited, William Duma had a tremendous healing ministry as well, but he hadn’t arrived.  At nine o’clock the minister was trying to work out what sermon he was going to preach to fill his place, but there was a knock at the back door, the door where the cleaning lady would come in every Monday morning, they opened the door and there William was standing, the servant of the Lord.

When we humble ourselves, then God raises us up, but when we think of ourselves as something special, then there is only one way to go and that is downwards.  Let us, this week be humble people in everything we do and say.

Jesus bless you

Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan