What Is Truth
It is Sunday morning, 8th November, 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan with a thought for the day.
John Chapter 8 and verse 31 and 32:
“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
What is truth? Well, I looked up the Oxford Dictionary and basically it says it is opposed to false.
Truth is the opposite of telling lies.
Remember, if you are liar, you better have a very good memory because you have to keep remembering the lies you’ve been telling, but seriously folks - I want to tell you one thing, that the devil is the father of all lies and he will hold you with his lies. He is the deceiver of the brethren.
You know that The Lord Jesus, when He was being judged by Pontius Pilate in John Chapter 18 and verse 38, Pilate said to Jesus, “What is truth?”
Isn’t that amazing. He was standing, looking at truth in the face, and He asked Him, The King of Kings, “What is truth?”
You see, there is no such thing as a white lie.
The devil will try to ensnare you completely with lies.
We need to tell the truth for our own sakes because when you have told the truth, the devil has got no more hold on you.
You are not looking around the corner.
You are not hoping for that phone call that will condemn you. No, you are free!
I remember, like yesterday, as a young farm manager in Zambia, I had the privilege of managing a huge estate and the boss was a very, very diligent and sharp man.
He asked me one morning,” How many bags of fertilizer did you spread on field number 25?
I couldn’t remember. So what did I do?
I took a guess. I told a white lie.
I worked out in my head quickly 4 bags a hectare, approximately 20 hectares.
“Sir, we put down approximately 80 bags.”
He said, “Angus, that is not possible because field number 25 is only 10 hectares.”
You know, I was so terribly embarrassed. My face went red.
I have never forgotten it. I think I was 22 years old at the time.
I apologized profusely. From that day onwards, I carried a notebook in my pocket constantly, and he would ask me a question and I would say, “Hang on, Sir, in that field we did this or that.”
And he would say, “Well done Angus. Carry on.”
The truth will set you free.
Don’t tell lies because it does not pay.
God bless you and have a wonderful Sunday.