By Faith
If we go to the Book of Hebrews in the New Testament, Chapter 11 and verse 8, this is what the Word says:
"By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance."
Listen to this:
“And he went out not knowing where he was going".
I believe at this time of lockdown when there is so much uncertainty in the world, nobody knowing what to do - even the leaders around the world don’t know what to do - this is the time for the Christian to do two things: number one is to believe the promises of God, and number two is to obey the promises of God.
If we go to Matthew Chapter 14 and verse 29, when Jesus said to Peter, "Come out of the boat and walk on the water." It says he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
My dear friend, there were eleven other men on that boat but only Peter walked on the water
You say, "But Angus, he started to sink.”
it doesn’t matter. He walked on the water.
He was the first human being to ever walk on water and there has never been a man who has done it since.
But Jesus was there to pick him out the water even when he started to sink.
The Lord says in this lockdown time, it is not a time to go into your cocoon.
It is not a time to board yourself into your house.
This is your time to step out on the water, “to attempt great things for God and expect great things from God”, is what William Carey said when that cobbler from England went to India with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The first man ever to stand on the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, was Sir Edmund Hillary.
Since then, many, many people have stood on that point, but never one man up until then.
The first man to walk on the moon was Neil Armstrong but now those rockets are going up and down like a taxi service every day.
But there needs to be a man, a woman, a boy, and a girl, who will step out into the unknown and say, “Lord, I refuse to be boxed in by fear which comes from the devil.
I am now going to attempt great things for You and expect great things from You.
I really believe with all my heart the greatest opportunities that we have ever had are about to be given to us at this time, but we need to step out by faith, and we need to obey what God has said.
Can you imagine leaving your farm and going to an unknown destination?
And God gave it to Abraham and he is known as the father of faith.
Don’t let the devil tell you lies today. Get out there and wait for that opportunity because it is waiting for you.