As A Hen Gathers Her Chicks

It is the 17th September 2020, a Thursday morning, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

If we go to the Gospel of Mathew 23:37 Jesus says,

” How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.”

Folks, I want to say to you today that Jesus loves you, just like a mother hen loves her little chicks.

If you go to Israel, to Jerusalem, on the Mount of Olives, which is directly across from the Temple Mount where Solomon built the temple, there is a little chapel and in that chapel there are pictures of a mother hen with her chicks.

Yes, that is the place they say where Jesus sat and looked across to Jerusalem and really stressed and wept, and was so concerned about you and me.

The Temple Mount, it’s just across from the Kidron valley, and Jesus loves you and I so much that He is extremely protective over us.

I remember many years ago hearing a story that took place in the Drakensberg mountains which is about an hour west from our farm Shalom.

They have some very fierce fires that take place in the winter there, and on the grassy slopes there was a tremendous grass fire that swept across those slopes.

Now the game rangers after the fire were doing a patrol across those slopes and they came up and saw a partridge.

This partridge had been burnt by the fire.

It was lying face down with it’s wings spread out, and one of the game rangers bent down and picked up the charred body of this bird, and underneath her was a little clutch of chicks.

She had protected her chicks. They were alive and they were well, and she had read her wings out and the fire had gone across the top of her, and as a result her chicks were saved.

I want to say to you today that the Lord Jesus Christ loves you so much.

You really need to draw close to Him.

He wants to protect you through these difficult times, and He has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you.

God bless you today as you remember that you have a savior who died so that you could live forever.

Angus Buchan