Live Your Dream

If we go to the Gospel of John Chapter 10 and verse 10, one of my favorite scriptures it says:

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

A promise from The Lord Jesus Christ.

We need to live the life - it’s not just to speak about it.

We need to look into things and not just look at them.

Jesus is the answer! Nothing else - not your self-gifting, not your ability - It is all about Him.

Follow your heart and not your head and live your dream.

This life, my friend, is too short to waste time and to double guess yourself.

We really need to make the most of it.

Do not be afraid to pay school-fees.

We all have to learn and we all learn by our mistakes.

Just confess your sins. The Lord will forgive you, and move on.

Remember to aim at something because if you aim at nothing you are sure to hit it.

You know, the word, “abundance” is more than you expect.

I remember it like yesterday, on 17th November, 1989, sitting in my farm office, working out my programme for the day.

I had been reading a book called “Evangelism Explosion”, by John Wimber, and in the back of the book, there were little cameos of great men and women of God who had turned the world upside-down for Jesus.

I became so excited. i saw a golden thread going through each one of their lives.

I am talking about the people of the calibre of Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, Kathryn Kuhlman, Charles Finney, T L Osborn, John Wesley, John Whitfield and many others.

That thread was one word, “faith”.

Each and every one of them had faith.

I was so excited. I picked up the old phone - in those old days we had to crank that phone.

I phoned my pastor in Greytown. I said to him, “I have seen something. God has spoken to me in my heart.”

He said, “What is it, Angus?”

I said, “The Lord has shown me, if I have got the faith of a mustard seed and I go out and I preach the Gospel, I book stadiums, I book sports fields, city halls, God will honour my faith.

You know, he took his fountain pen and he turned around and he wrote on the wall on his office.

“17/11/89 Angus.”

And it stayed there until they repainted the church.

I went out. I said to my wife, Jill, “Goodbye” . I said goodbye to my children.

I got in my pick-up, in my farm clothes, with a flask of coffee and off I went to the nearest town, Ladysmith.

I drove into that town. I booked the town hall and the rest is history.

Live your dream.

The Lord is looking for a man or a woman today who will just trust Him and He will do the rest.

Angus Buchan