Compassion Like Jesus
Jesus wept with honest sorrow, not for the lack of faith. Jesus knew that His friend Lazarus was about to be raised from the dead but He showed heartfelt mourning in the face of death. He looked around Him and saw the people weeping and He was filled with compassion.
I looked up the meaning of the word, compassion. The literal meaning is: “Sympathetic pity for the sufferings or the misfortunes of others.”
The last thing a person needs when he is suffering or mourning the death of a loved one is a sermon or a string of scripture verses. They need genuine love - a hug, an arm around their shoulder, a phone or mail that is sincere and most of all, for us to be able to weep with them.
With COVID-19 going around the world, there is so much suffering. We as believers and followers of Jesus need to act as He acted. The Passion Translation says: “Tears streamed down Jesus’ Face.” We really need to love people like never before, to have patience and lots of compassion.
I remember very clearly, as a young boy of maybe 10 or 12 years old, I suffered from bronchial asthma. And many a night I struggled to get through the night. My mother, my dear old Scottish loving mother used to sit by my bedside, rub my chest with Vicks and speak to me and look after me. She never ever tried to tell me to 'pull myself together and just lie down and go to sleep'. No - I will never forget the compassion she showed me when I was a little boy.
You and I need to do the same today. There are people who need help and we need to give it to them and emulate and be like Jesus to them today.
God bless you and have a wonderful day!