Treasures in Heaven

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
— Matthew6:20-21

Where is your treasure today?

If there is one thing that this Coronavirus has shown all of us, and I am including myself here, is where our treasure really is.

Is our treasure on earth or is our treasure in heaven?

I heard a quotation of an early saint before they were going to martyr him, he said, “You can kill me if you like but you will never tear the living Christ out of my heart.”

Today, we need to stand up for Jesus. We need to say to the devil, “This far and no further.” We need to draw a line in the sand - it is not a time for us to 'one day hunt with the hounds, and the next day, run with the hares'.

I think in Revelation 3:16, The Lord says: “I would rather you be ice-cold than lukewarm, but if you are lukewarm, I will vomit you out of my mouth.”

Those are heavy words but they come from Jesus. We need to guard our hearts today because it is the well-spring of our lives.

If we keep focusing on the treasures of this world, we will never be content with looking forward to eternity.

Billy Sunday was a great American evangelist. He was a professional baseball player. When he got saved and started to preach, he would run onto the platform, and slide on the platform up to the pulpit. They had to make a reinforced pulpit for him out of wood because he used to preach on top of the pulpit - His heart was for Jesus Christ.

They tell me he used to have a little trapdoor on the platform. When he made an altar call to ask people to come forward and make a public confession of their faith, he would open up the flap and stand inside the trapdoor, and he would come eye to eye with the people coming forward to give their lives to Jesus.

The one day he had a massive heart attack on the platform and his assistants came to help him. He never died that day but he thought he was dying. To the first man to take him by the hand, he said: “Will you pray this prayer with me?” His heart was for souls - his heart was for people.

Today, let your treasure be safely put away in heaven. Preach the gospel to people who are desperate and tell them about Jesus.

Have a wonderful day,

God bless you.

Angus Buchan