A Lamp To Your Feet

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
— Psalm 119:105

In these terribly confusing times in which we are living people are asking us continually, on the emails and on Whatsapp: “Which way do we go?”

Well, the Gospel of John, Chapter 14 and verse 6 says: “I am the way”

What is the confirmation that you have a right decision, especially when you come to a fork in the road? Well, it is the peace that you have in your heart. Remember, Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace.

John 14:27 He says,”Peace I leave with you.”

There is nothing worse than to be caught sitting on the fence. It is very, very disturbing. We need to make decisions and we need to go the right way. Not knowing which path to take can be so unsettling, can it not?

I am holding in my hand a safety lamp. Now, this is a methane gas detector - It is a little lamp that is given to the miners when they go underground. And by the way, I want to salute all the miners this morning - I respect you. You are men of great courage and we thank God for you, that you are putting food on the table, and that you are making light, especially coal miners, for the people.

Well, this little lamp is a methane gas detector, okay - so when they go underground with this little lamp there is a little wick that is lit up, and when it changes color it means there is danger.

If there is a poisonous gas in the tunnel, you can’t smell it, you can’t see it - but the lamp tells you the way. In the old days they used to use a little canary in a cage. They would take him underground with them and he would sing his heart out. When he stopped singing they knew that trouble was coming, that that gas was coming.

Now, Jesus Christ is the Lamp, He says: “My Word (The Bible) is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.” You don’t have to guess the way forward, you don’t have to take a chance. Use the Word of God, The Bible, everyday and that will show you the way home.

God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan