Another Man
Another man!
When God is with us, things change dramatically! One of my favourite scriptures in the Bible is 2 Corinthians 5:17, which states very clearly:
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
The old has passed away. “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus” Romans 8:1
I remember, when I gave my life to Christ, I used to go to a Bible Study with Jill and the children, I think on a Wednesday evening, to our minister’s house. He was very cool towards me - in fact, a little bit unkind.
I think he struggled to believe that I had changed my life. I had to have a chat with him one day. I said to him, “Errol, what is wrong? Why are you always picking on me?”
And then he confessed: “Angus I will be honest, I am so sorry. I thought you were 'having me on'. I couldn’t believe that you had made a complete turn about in your life.” You see, when Christ comes into your life, there is a complete change and you become another man.
I used to worry a lot about our maize crop. You know, I had five little children. I had big responsibilities on the farm, I had no back-up, I had no spare money in the bank - I'd put everything into the ground.
I used to have sleepless nights. In the afternoons when those black clouds would come across the farm - you know, often there was hail in those clouds, and if that hail had destroyed my crop, I would have been done, I used to panic a lot.
But after that day that I gave my life to Christ, a complete turn around happened in my life. I was walking through the maize crop the one day. The mealies were looking magnificent. The cobs were forming and then the black-green clouds started coming over the farm. Then it was like the penny dropped, the Lord said, “I am in control of everything that you have”. I realized I was no longer the farmer, but only the farm manager.
The owner of the farm was Jesus Christ - total freedom came upon me, I started worshipping and singing praises to God. No more worries!
Now maybe today you need to go and sit down and just speak to The Lord. Maybe have a prayer and say: “Lord, I am tired, I am tired of taking all these responsibilities, I can’t anymore, Lord!” and hand it over to The Lord. He will change you into another man.
God bless you as you have a wonderful day today.