Not Home Yet...

Then he bowed himself, and said, “What is your servant, that you should look upon such a dead dog as I?”
— 2 Samuel 9:8

Remember that was the voice of Mephibosheth who was the only surviving relative of Jonathan, who was killed with his father, King Saul, in a battle. Jonathan was King David’s best friend and this was Jonathan’s only surviving relative. Because David loved Jonathan so much he allowed Mephibosheth, who was lame in both feet, to sit at his royal table and eat with him every day of his life.

Today we want to thank God for Jesus Christ. Gratitude for Calvary - that is what missionary service is all about. Jesus asked Peter no less than three times to feed His sheep...

“So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?”
He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.”
He said to him, “Feed My lambs.” Feed my sheep.

John 21:15

In the days of the sailing ships, there was a ship’s captain who was taking a family of missionaries to the South Sea Islands. Before they left the ship the captain begged them to reconsider. He said: “These islanders are cannibals, they will kill you and they will eat you.” The response of the missionaries was: “We died before we came.” That is what it is - It is because of Jesus that we do what we do.

Jim Elliot, most of you know of him, in 1956 in the Amazon Jungle, was speared to death, as a martyr, by cannibal Indians but before he died he had written something in his journal: “It is no fool who gives what he cannot keep (which is his life) to gain what he cannot lose (which is eternal life).” Our reward for work done is not to be found on earth.

Maybe this morning you are feeling a bit down and you think: “ You know Angus, my children don’t even appreciate what I do for them...” or maybe you have been overlooked at work for a promotion that you felt that you deserved. I understand exactly what you are saying.

Remember the old story of the missionary returning home from service? He had been in the jungle for forty years preaching the Gospel. He was coming back home. As the big ship was coming into the harbour, there was a team of soccer/football players, who had been away for a couple of weeks, that is all - As they came into the harbour people were throwing streamers and the brass band was playing to welcome the soccer team back home. And the little missionary stood at the back of the boat with his small suitcase - not a soul to welcome him. He looked up to the Lord and he said: “Lord, no one cares about what I have done!”

And then a voice from Heaven said, “But son, you are not home yet!”

Have a lovely day, remember, everything we do is because of our relationship with Jesus and what He has done for us.

God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan