Go Into All The World...

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
— Mark 16:15

That was the last thing that the Lord Jesus Christ said to His disciples before He went to Heaven - the Great Commission.

Go everywhere and announce the Good News! Preach openly the glorious Good News that Jesus is not dead, He is alive and more importantly that He is coming back very soon.

Folks I want to say if you look at Mark 16:19, just a couple of verses down:

“So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.”

There are many different ways to preach the Gospel. I can hear you saying, maybe: “Well, I am not a preacher.” No, but you don’t have to be a preacher to tell people about Jesus Christ. Joseph of Arimathea was not a preacher.

He was not even one of the disciples and yet he did more for Jesus than even the disciples did. After the Lord had been crucified the disciples ran away and Joseph of Arimathea, a businessman, went and asked if he could have the body of Jesus. He took the body of the Lord off the cross, and washed His body, embalmed it and put it in his own tomb.

God uses ordinary people - How many times have we heard that?

Have you heard of Nicky Gumbel? Nicky Gumbel was a barrister by profession, a lawyer, yet he started the Alpha Course which has gone right around the world and is still going. Have you heard of David Yonggi Cho? He started cell groups all over the world and transformed the way we worship God together. What about Demos Shakarian - He was an Armenian American, a dairy farmer - that’s right! He got saved and he thought he would be an evangelist but it didn’t work out, so what did he do? He started the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International. He would get a whole lot of businessmen together, then he would get an international celebrity like an astronaut, a world champion bull rider/rodeo rider, and get them to come and share their testimonies. Men would get saved all over the world.
These men were probably responsible for leading more souls to Christ than any full-time evangelist ever did.

Go into all the world today, go into all the world and tell people about the soon-coming Jesus.
God bless you and have a wonderful day today.

Angus Buchan