Just Say Sorry

Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.
— James 5:16

In other words, the Lord is saying to you and me this morning: “Just say sorry!” Not such an easy thing is it?

I remember a lovely old couple who mentored Jill and me years ago, they told us, when I asked them the secret of their successful marriage: Every Sunday afternoon after lunch, they would go and lie on the bed together and ask forgiveness for any words they had spoken - maybe in anger or with a bad attitude in the last week. In other words, clear the board.

You know, often people come to me and they say they want to get divorced. I say to them: “Why do you want to get divorced?”
They say: “Well, we are not compatible - We just don’t get on.”
I want to say to you, that is unacceptable...

When you made that vow on your wedding day, you prayed a prayer in front of the Lord. When you talk things through then they get sorted out. If you don’t, that little attitude festers and becomes bigger and bigger and bigger. Eventually, you don’t know why there is a problem. You have forgotten the original issue that you had and things have gone right out of control.

Do you remember President Richard Nixon of the USA? Some say had the potential to be the greatest president of all time! But he refused to confess and he refused to say sorry - I am talking about the Watergate Crisis, where they had bugged the offices of the opposition. Then when he was confronted, he said he didn’t do it. And he did do it... He eventually swore on the Bible that he didn’t do it but his lies got him taken right out of office.

Today, say sorry to your loved one, just say sorry. You say: "It was is my fault.", it doesn’t matter. It takes two to tango and you can’t fight by yourself. Say sorry to your loved one, your husband, wife, child, mom or your dad. You will feel a weight fall off your shoulders and you will be able to go out and face the day.

Have a wonderful day and God bless you.

Angus Buchan