Our Miracle-working God

A very good morning to you! It is Saturday morning, the 21st of May 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

If we go to Luke 1:37:

“For with God nothing will be impossible.”

What a beautiful promise from God. And then we go to the Gospel of John 21:11:

“Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land, full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not broken.”

Wow! Well, I tell you what, we serve a miracle-working God and we need to remember that. Nothing is too hard for the Lord, and nothing is impossible for Jesus - If ever we needed to remember that, it is in these times in which we are living. Therefore, let us press onward on the road that the Lord Jesus has appointed for us and always, remember that He has gone ahead of us. You see, it is not for us to question or to try and reason but simply to keep going forward and He will do the rest.

Do you know that that net was designed for maybe half a dozen fish? And yet 153 large (they call them St Peter’s fish, like a tilapia or a big bream) were pulled up onto the shore and the net never broke. He is a miracle-working God. It is God’s work and so He will see that it shall not fail. All we have to do is to believe in a miracle-working God. We cannot do it in our strength therefore it is not for you and me to reason, we must not doubt, just let Jesus do it. And you know something? He wants to do it as well.

I remember so clearly as a new believer, I was still a young farmer, we were growing seed maize on the farm. That’s all we had. We didn’t have any cattle or any other form of agriculture. Every afternoon at about 4 pm, big clouds used to come rolling over Shalom, I used to get so nervous because one hail storm would ruin us. But you know, one day I was walking through the maize and I realized, “Lord, you are a miracle-working God and this is Your farm. I have committed it to You, I have committed my life to You, I have committed my family to You, so Lord, whatever happens, it's in Your hands.” You know, I will never forget, it was like a 50kg bag of cement fell off my back. I could think more clearly, I could work better and you know something? The Lord protected that maize crop.

Have a wonderful day and remember you serve a miracle-working God.
Jesus bless you,

Angus Buchan