Words of Life

A very good morning to you! It is Sunday morning, 5th June 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

We start off with Psalm 33:9:

“For He spoke, and it was done;
He commanded, and it stood fast.”

Then we go straight to Mark 4:39:

“Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm”

God simply spoke the word! Jesus is the Word.

“In the beginning was the Word…”

John 1:1

You and I have the word of God on our very lips, why don’t we use it more? When Jesus was tempted in the desert, by the devil, He used the spoken word against the devil. What you say is what you become.

“I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

We need to be so careful how we speak. A negative, hurtful word can literally destroy someone. Moms, be very careful how you speak to your children. Sometimes they test you severely and you say, “You little devils!” Don’t say that mom, it's not right. Or, “He’ll never amount to anything.” That can destroy a little boy or girl, they will remember that for years. But a godly, uplifting, wholesome word can restore, heal and build up a person, like: “You are looking very smart today” - Do you know what that does for somebody? Or "That was a lovely, tasty meal you prepared for us today.” Make that phone call today, a kind word might even save a life - That’s right! “I didn’t think anybody cared for me but you phoned me at the last minute, and it saved my life.”

I remember that film about Queen Elizabeth when the tragedy took place and Princess Diana was killed in that car crash, the whole nation was mourning and they were all at the gates of Buckingham Palace. They were laying down mountains of flowers in memory of the death of Princess Diana. The queen was walking along and greeting the people, a little girl stood out from the crowd with a small bunch of flowers. The queen said, “Thank you so much.” The queen was going to take them and put them with all the other mountains of flowers and the little girl said, “No, those are for you, Ma’am.” I think it brought a tear to the queen’s eye.

Let's be sensitive today and let's speak life to one another.
Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan