The Name of Jesus

And a very good morning to you! It is Sunday morning, the 13th of February, the year 2022. And this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth , will draw all peoples to myself.”

John 12:32

What a name, the name of Jesus. There is power in this name, there is life in this name. There is healing in this name, there is peace in this name. There is salvation for the lost man in this name and there is a future in this name. It is not the name of an organisation. Oh no! It is not the name of an NPO - not at all.

It is the name of my Friend and, I trust, your Friend too. And He has said, “If you lift Me up I will do the rest". Oh yes, He is the Weatherman. I know that only too well. Yes, and He is The Miracle Worker. I know that one as well but you know, He is so much more, isn't He? He is the friend of sinners, He is the comforter of those who are bereaved. He is the Teacher for those who are trying to find the way. He is the Son of God.

Polycarp was one of the early church fathers. He was an old man. He was arrested by the Romans. They took him to the arena. They were going to burn him at the stake but just before they did, they said to him, “Just deny the name of Jesus and honour the gods of Rome and we will let you go home and die a peaceful death" And with probably tears running down his face, that old gentleman who was 86 years old said, “Oh, He has been faithful all these years. How can I deny Him now? “ And they killed Him. It is that name, Jesus. What does that name mean to you and me today?

Do you remember that old song? I am going to try and sing it for you. A beautiful song. It goes something like this:

Oh Jesus, Jesus, oh Jesus
There is just something about that name.
Oh Master, Saviour, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain.
Oh Jesus, Jesus, oh Jesus, let all Heaven and Earth proclaim.
Kings and kingdoms, they will all pass away and there is something about that name.

Go out today and tell people about Jesus, your friend. The soon-coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Don’t be ashamed of Him. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

God bless you and have a wonderful Sunday.

Angus Buchan