Wisdom & Understanding

And a very good morning to you! It is Friday morning, 18th of February, the year 2022. And this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

"Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
And to depart from evil is understanding."

Job 28:28

We must not waste valuable opportunities. Especially spending time with people who have lots of wisdom they want to give us for free. "When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground." - African Proverb.

We must never waste the opportunity to learn from people who have walked the road. But then again, it is not so much about age, is it? No, it is more about a person who knows God.

“Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, (that was Jesus) sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. (By the way, Jesus was a mere 12 years old) And all who heard Him (the teachers) were astonished at His understanding and answers”.

Luke 2:46

We must spend time learning. Don’t keep having to go round that mountain, we don’t have that kind of time left. There are a lot of people, full of wisdom, that would love to share it with you but you just don’t seem to have time to talk to them.

I remember an old man, a farmer, who used to drive up and down the country roads in his landrover. He was a most delightful old gentleman. He was an absolute encyclopedia on beef cattle. He was a former Farmer Of The Year in Kenya and yet he looked so lonely to me. He never seemed to have anything to do. But where were the young farmers? Why weren’t we asking him questions? Well, he is not here anymore, he has gone home to be with Jesus in Heaven.

I looked up a special book I have got with lots of old memories in it and I pulled out a poem. Now, there was an old lady who used to live on this farm, she was an intercessor. She was one of the dearest friends I have ever had. Her name was Aunty Peggy and she used to write poems and give them to me. She used to call me “Buchan Hare”, you know a hare - that rabbit that runs all over the place. And she called herself “Peggy Tortoise”. I just want to read the last verse of a little poem that she wrote me. I might even get a bit emotional towards the end, please forgive me. It goes like this:

Clouds are gathering, dark over our land
Many are the heart transplants to be performed
By The Surgeon of surgeons with sharpened scalpel in hand
The hardened hearts taken out,
Replaced by those that are soft and pulsating with God’s love
Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (the fruits of the Spirit)

A new world to prepare that the old be forsaken.
Come Buchan Hare, come to the fore and lead again the team as before.
But remember, as weak as I am, I will not hold back

And though I will not always be there
I will be with you in spirit and prayer.
God bless, Go strong.

Have a wonderful day and God bless you

Angus Buchan