Bread of Life

And a very good morning to you! It is the 19th of February, Saturday morning and the year 2022. And this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

Jesus says:

“I am the bread of life.’

John 6:48

You know, if you don’t eat, you die. I looked up, in the Oxford Dictionary, the exact meaning of the word malnutrition. It says: "Not eating enough of the right things.” Now if a man does not eat good, solid, wholesome food, he cannot do the work.

When I was young, my dad would always say to us, “What you save on the grocery bills, you pay out on the doctor’s bills.” - So true.

In South Africa, when we go to work, we will always carry a stick of biltong in our back pocket... Wherever we go, especially if we go and watch rugby or cricket, biltong is dried meat. In the USA, they call it Jerky, in Australia they call it 'Roadkill'. That doesn’t sound too good, hey ladies? But the fact of the matter is, we need protein if we are going to work. It is the bottom line, if you don’t eat, you cannot operate. Even an angel, in 1 Kings 19:7, told the great prophet, Elijah, to eat because he was about to embark on a journey.

If we don’t eat the Bread of Life, we will die. I am talking about the Bible. I am talking about spending time in the presence of Almighty God, every single morning. I am talking about prayer, Bible reading and meditation, each morning before we go to work. And then when we are at work, yes, during your lunch hour, spend time just reading the word of God. Then, of course, before we go to sleep at night, preferably with the whole family, we spend time reading God’s Holy Word. You know, when you do that, I want to encourage you, it will protect you... Physically, spiritually and mentally. It will energize you, it will strengthen you.

Jesus is the Bread of Life and if you feed on Him you will never hunger and you will never thirst.

Have a wonderful Saturday, Jesus bless you.

Angus Buchan