Fear of God

And a very good morning to you! It is Saturday morning, 5th of February, the year 2022. And this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

"Can anyone teach God knowledge, Since He judges those on high?”

Job 21:22

Then we go straight to Romans 11, in the New Testament:

"For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has become His counsellor?" "Or who has first given to Him And it shall be repaid to him?"

Romans 11:34

It is ludicrous to question God, it is absolutely ridiculous and yet we always do it, don’t we? We are always questioning God and we always have a better solution... It has got to be the absolute maximum in arrogance to question our creator when we are merely a creation.

You know, I have a very beautiful little four-year-old granddaughter, she has got her Kulu wrapped around her little finger. She comes down to Gogo’s house and she has a tea party with all her dollies and all her tea-sets. Now I want to ask you a question - Can you imagine that little girl arguing with Albert Einstein about physics, can you? When we want to argue with God it is ridiculous, instead of acknowledging the fact that He is in Heaven and we are on earth.

You know, it is okay to say to an atheist or an unbeliever, when he asks you a question like, “Why do some people get healed when we pray for them and others don’t get healed?” It’s okay to say, “I don’t know. I don’t know because I am not God.”

If we go to Job 38, read that chapter if you get a chance and you will see where the Lord is getting tired of Job asking so many questions and giving so much advice. He basically says, “Stand up like a man and I want to ask you some questions. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth, who shut the sea with doors?” The sea does not go any further than the Lord allows it to.

“Can you command the morning?” He asks. "Can you make the sun come up? Have you entered the springs of the depths of the sea where the water comes from? Can you determine life or death?” - Of course not.

I want to leave you with one very important scripture and you can use it as a memory verse. It goes like this:

"Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding."

Job 28:28

Have a wonderful day and by the way, Einstein believed that there was a God in Heaven. Have a wonderful day.

Jesus bless you!

Angus Buchan