
I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Monday morning, the 12th of December, 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. I want to speak to you about consistency, being consistent. The Oxford Dictionary says that the word “consistent" means unchanging over time. It is so very important that you and I remain consistent in a world which is changing continually, daily actually. Core values and priorities in life change all the time, even the weather patterns are changing, but Jesus never changes, and that's why I love him so much. 

What are the things that make a Christian steady? Well, it's getting up in the morning. It's spending time in prayer every single day. It's reading your Bible, not haphazardly, consistently. Not now and again -  every single day. It's attending church and being with fellow Christians on a Sunday morning or a Sunday evening, whichever suits you. It's saying your grace every day before you eat your food. Do you still do that? "Well, I used to, but now I'm so busy.” No, thank God every day, and consecrate that food every day. You'll be surprised how healthy you become. 

We are looking for consistent people. I think of some young people coming back home over the Christmas period. Why are you coming home? Well, I'm coming up to see my loved ones, but it's also so nice to come back to the farm and see that nothing has changed. We still milk the cows every day, we still have to do our chores, and we have to look after our horses and our sheep. We have to feed the pigs. We have to make sure that the crops are growing nicely with no weeds in the inter-rows. We need to be consistent. That is what makes people feel not only comfortable but also makes people feel safe.

Do not be like the proverbial yo-yo, up one moment, down the next. Let us as believers be consistent and we will find that our witness will draw many people to Jesus Christ. 

God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan