No More Tears

And a very good morning to you. I greet you in Jesus’s precious name! It is Wednesday morning, 10th August, the year 2022 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

“You number my wanderings;
Put my tears into Your bottle;
Are they not in Your book?”

Psalm 56:8

Oh, Jesus knows every tear you have ever shed since the day you were born. Then we go to the Book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible:

“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

Revelation 21:4

Jesus knows what you and I are going through and what we have been through. Every painful experience we have been through, He was there with us. He has put all our tears into His bottle and they are written into His book. Our God is a God of great compassion. Jesus wept more than He laughed when He walked on this earth - He really does understand our pain and our suffering. I don’t know what it is that you are going through at this very moment but He knows, tell Him about it. You see, He wept when He saw how distraught Mary and Martha were at the death of their brother, Lazarus. John 11:35:

“Jesus wept.”

Now, He was coming into Bethany... He knew that He was going to call Lazarus out of the tomb and yet He still wept because He saw how much suffering they were enduring. We ask ourselves the question, “But how much does Jesus really care?” Well, we just need to look at His Hands, we need to look at His Feet and we need to look at His Side - wounded for our sakes, that's how much He cares. Not only does He care, He also understands. People are desperate for love and when they are hurting, they do not want to hear preaching, they do not even want scripture verses... What do they want? They want tears of love.

You know, my dear old mom who has gone to be with Jesus many, many years ago, when I was a little boy, I was quite sickly and often during the night, my mom would come and she would sit with me. She would rub my chest with ointment and she would speak kind words to me. She would sit with me. If I was suffering from a fever she would put a damp cloth on my brow, I remember it so well. Why did she do that? Because she understood, my mom was also a very sickly woman herself.

Today, let us weep with those who are weeping and let us have compassion with those who are suffering - but don’t forget to tell them that the best is yet coming. Jesus is going to wipe away all those tears and He is going to fill us with peace and joy and love when we are united with our loved ones.

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

Angus Buchan